
Enjoy Rev. Mettey’s Writings from Throughout the Years

Reverend Wendell Mettey wrote these Katamanthano devotions over a number of years. Katamanthano is a Greek word, which appears in the Greek New Testament just one time. Jesus used it when pointing to a nearby field, saying, “KATAMANTHANO the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin: and yet I tell you Solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed like one of these” (Matt. 6:28-29).

Katamanthano is usually given the English translation of consider. However its literal translation is “to observe well, notice carefully, learn thoroughly, CONSIDER.”

To Jesus, God spoke to people not through a distant star or through some esoteric religion, nor were his words the exclusive property of the learned or the holy. The God of Jesus spoke through the simple things, the ordinary daily happenings of life

Rev. Wendell Mettey

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