Enjoy Rev. Mettey’s Writings from Throughout the Years
In a world filled with terror, strife and hopelessness, we seek validation that it is possible to change the world for those in need. Through prayer, faith and unremitting effort, Wendell Mettey proves that when ordinary people do extraordinary things, it is possible to change the world. Are Not My People Worthy chronicles the growth of Matthew 25: Ministries from a small suitcase ministry to an international humanitarian relief organization shipping humanitarian supplies to the poorest of the poor worldwide.
View On Amazon View On Our Online StoreReverend Wendell E. Mettey chronicles his ongoing journey of faith, determination and vision in his sequel biography What God Desires. In What God Desires: The Story of the Center for Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief, Reverend Mettey shares a candid account of the struggles and successes the ministry experienced through a ten-year span.
View On Amazon View On Our Online StoreDuring his years pastoring an inner-city church, Reverend Wendell Mettey discovered that God uses even the most blemished vessels to bring beauty into the world. In On Which Side of the Road Do the Flowers Grow?, Rev. Mettey shares the humorous and touching stories of his diverse congregation— ordinary people whose lives were infused with an awareness of God's real and abundant grace.
View On Amazon View On Our Online StoreWhen everyday people are confronted by the most charismatic individual in the history of the world, their reactions vary from doubt to anger to instant commitment; but one and all their lives are profoundly changed by the experience and so will the reader’s be as they join in the character’s encounter with the Master. In Meet Those Who Met the Master, Reverend Wendell Mettey crafts complex human characters from the often minimal descriptions available in the Gospel and infuses them with all the passions, concerns and hesitations we might feel if confronted with this charismatic individual, Jesus Christ, who gives much but demands much as well.
View On Amazon View On Our Online StoreLost and Found, Stories of Christmas is a collection of stories written by Reverend Wendell Mettey for his congregations. While written over a span of years, the stories have a timelessness that appeals to readers of all ages. These simple stories share the emotional journey of characters whose struggles with doubts, fears and resentments cause them to lose hope, but who ultimately find a great gift through the discovery of the true meaning of Christmas. Readers will recognize their own anxieties and concerns in the reactions of the characters and celebrate with them their triumph as they discover the joy of giving… the true spirit of Christmas.
View On Amazon View On Our Online StoreMalchus, An Easter Story is a retelling of the events of Easter week as seen through the eyes of Malchus, a real person mentioned in the Gospel of John.
In Malchus, An Easter Story, Rev. Wendell Mettey has attempted to bring not only Malchus but many other people involved in this epic story to life and to describe their reactions and experiences not through mere speculation, but by relying upon the best evidence available: the Gospels, Bible scholars, early Church fathers and tradition as well as a deep understanding of human nature and how God works through and with people.
View On Our Online StoreThe Valley of Elah chronicles the incredible journey of Harry Keller, a man who beat the odds again and again, endured and survived an unbelievable medical procedure, taking down his giant in his own personal Valley of Elah. A description of the surgical procedure ultimately needed to save his life is still met with disbelief when his story is told. For 16 years he fought the good fight. This is his story...
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