Financial Donations

Every Dollar Makes a Difference

Every gift to Matthew 25: Ministries makes an impact on the poorest of the poor and disaster victims. Financial donations help in all aspects of our ministry, including acquiring, processing, and warehousing product; distributing aid to people in need; providing disaster relief; and other program-related expenses. Additionally, funds assist with costs associated with the oversight and administration of programs. All gifts designated for a specific program are used for the purpose intended.

Help those in need by making a donation today. There are many ways to give to Matthew 25: Ministries. Whether you prefer making a one-time gift, setting up a monthly recurring donation, donating stock, or many other giving options, your gift will make a difference. Browse your options below, and please reach out to us with any questions. We are happy to help!

Matthew 25: Ministries is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

Information shown is based on our independently audited 990 Report and Charity Navigator’s evaluation of our financial efficiency and transparency. For more detailed information, please visit our Financials webpage and also our Charity Navigator profile.

M25M Financials Chart

Percentages based on cash and in-kind (product) donations

Ways To Give

There are many ways to give to Matthew 25: Ministries. Browse your options below.


To donate online, click on the icon above. You can choose from a variety of giving options, including credit card, Venmo, Google Pay, crypto currency, and more.

By Phone

Call us at 513-793-6256 to give over the phone.

By Mail

Mail checks to Matthew 25: Ministries, 11060 Kenwood Road, Blue Ash, OH 45242.

In Person

Visit us and drop off a gift in person during our standard operating hours.

More Options

Contact regarding estate planning, donations of stock, and other ways to give.

Matching Gifts

Did you know many employers offer matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees? Some companies also match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. Your company could double or even triple your gift, with no added cost to you!

Search for your company in our Matching Gifts database to see if your employer has a matching gift program. Click here to access the database and for more information.

2025 Memorials

In memory of those mentioned below, a family member or friend has made a donation to Matthew 25: Ministries. Thank you for your generosity. The memory of your loved one is making a difference in the lives of many.

Juanita Accurso
Wayne Achtermann
Dolores Alfred
Grace Cook & Alice
Mark Allan
Louella Anderson
Louella 'Nano' Anderson
Jim Anton
Tom Arend
Alexis Aronis
My Father, Bill Astorino
Warren Babcock
Gary "Corky" Banfill
Wright Barber
William Barney
Catherine Barton
Warren Bass
Michael Bear
Vincent & Audrey Beckman
Annette Beers
Steve Beitman
Marylou Benjamin
Vida Bennett
Thomas & Irene Berling
Ginny Bierman
Kay Bigley
Matthew Whitman's 43rd Birthday
Greg Blair
Robert Blum
David Bode
Joseph A. Bodle
Thomas Boehmer
Linda Boehner
Greg Bollin
Pauline Bolten
Raygan Boothe
Mark Boroff
Beth Bowden
Margery Fitton Bowman
Paula Bradley
Paula J. Bradley
Dave Brate
David Brate
Ginny Bray
My Brother
My Brother
Sue Ellen Brown
Sam Bruce
Robert J. Bruns
Jerald F. Buckley
Ron Burch
Jim Burkhardt
James Burnes
George & Dorothy Burns
Jack & Joanne Burns
Mattie Bush
Carolyn Butler
Tracy Butterfield
Craig Cain
Tom Caldwell
Patrick Carrothers
Joseph & Shirley Carvitti
Tang Wai Chang
Caroline Chenoweth
Shing Wai Ching
Ngoon Fong Chow
Franklin & Isabelle Clapper
Charles Cline
Russell Coburn
Jon Cochran
Roger Cocker
Roger T. Coker
Rose Marie Coleman
Vera Colgate
Juanita Collett
Andrew Combs
Leonard Combs
Lisa Connelly
JoAnn Coombs
Gerald & Elizabeth Cooper
Sherry Coots
Pat Crabtree
Nevellen Craddock
Jaxon & Henry Crosby
Col. D.L. Cunningham
Tim Dall
Mark Daniher
Betty Jane Davey
John T. Davey
Scott Davey
Rev. James & Elease Davis
Dominich & Stella DeBlasio
Barbara DeMar
Robert DeSalvo
Jack Deleon
Martin & Helen Depoian
Krystin Diehl
Peggy Dillon
Donna Dohrmann
Iris Doris
Margaret Doyle
Clyde & Viola Dudley
Jennifer Easley
Dan Eckert
Larry Edmonds
Greg Edwards
Tyler Edwards
Richard Eisele
Jim Ekberg
Valerie Elrod
Melissa Elsass
Dave Enginger
Norma & Eric
Peter Shaw Erschell