Matthew 25: Ministries shipped disaster relief to Lebanon in the aftermath of a catastrophic explosion that rocked the capital city of Beirut on August 4. The country was already suffering a major economic downturn before the explosion, with many families struggling with poverty and hunger. The explosion made things worse by destroying much of the capital city as well as the main port – devastating for a nation that relies heavily on food imports.

“I’m heartbroken for the loss of life and the impact this catastrophe has had on so many people,” said Matthew 25’s CEO Tim Mettey. “Our thoughts and prayers are with them in their time of need.”

Matthew 25: Ministries provides critical first response necessities and services as well as long-term assistance to distribution partners in disaster areas to support relief and recovery efforts.  Matthew 25 has responded to multiple domestic and international disasters including tornadoes, wildfires, storms, floods, contaminations, and droughts.  Matthew 25 shipped a container of disaster relief to Lebanon including products such as personal care items, cleaning supplies, baby supplies and more.

Donors who would like to designate their financial gifts for Beirut Relief may do so by writing “Beirut Relief” in the memo line of their check or by typing it in the “special purpose” field of our online giving form. Please mail checks to Matthew 25: Ministries, 11060 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242. 100% of donated funds designated for Beirut Relief will be used for the purpose intended.
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